Prof. Dr. Çetin ŞENTÜRK
Our Mission
- To educate individuals in a way that they can independently conduct scientific and technological research in the field of aeronautics and astronautics and they become academically equipped;
- To contribute to the scientific literature by conducting original research in the field of aeronautics and astronautics and to bring our country to an internationally respected point;
- To contribute to our country in the economic context with R&D activities by following the current trend in the constantly renewed and developing aerospace sector.
Our Vision
Our vision is to be among the prestigious and distinguished academic units/organizations which shape the future and are recognized at national and international level, by conducting scientific research and taking part in R&D activities in the field of aerospace science.
Our Goals
- To provide the best-possible education by following the current trend at the graduate level;
- To have our students acquire the skills that they intend to have towards their goals, through the theoretical and applied courses they will take within the scope of the program they are involved in, and through the academic environment of our Graduate School;
- To constantly make a name for ourselves at the national and international level by conducting scientific research and taking part in R&D activities;
- Contributing directly to the aerospace industry by continuously developing projects;
- Being an inherent stakeholder in projects within the scope of the National Space Programme;
are among our primary goals.